"This performance is surprisingly strong. And I think that it’s really two reasons why the market isn’t unhinging. One, I think is technical, because [there is] a lot of support for the market at 4,300,” said Jay Hatfield, CEO at Infrastructure Capital Advisors. “It may not hold but there’s support there.” “And then people are waiting for the right moment to get back on the AI boom trade.” ~ Jay ,
Sept 24, 2023 ~ Stock Market Today LIVE segment on CNBC
Jay Hatfield told Yahoo Finance "It is entirely possible that WTI crude trades above $100 before supply and demand factors overwhelm momentum." He added, "We do believe that there will be substantial demand destruction at [WTI] prices above $95 per barrel, which will drive the commodity back into our fair value range," ~ Jay Hatfield
Sept 19, 2023 ~ Yahoo Finance News with Ines Ferré·Senior Business Reporter

"The primary driver of the miss on core (inflation) was driven by a swing in airline fares from down 8.1% last month to up 4.9%, which is simply an example of how energy prices bleed into core as 40% of airline costs are driven by energy prices," ~ Jay Hatfield
Sept 14, 2023 ~ Investors Business Daily with Matt Krantz

"What matters most now to the IPOing companies, their bankers and investors is market stability", per Jay Hatfield at Infrastructure Capital Advisors. “The primary criteria is really a calm market. That’s what we have now,” he said. “Volatility is very, very low, which indicates that investors are confident we’re not going into a recession — confident enough to put new capital to work in IPOs.”
Sept 13, 2023 ~ MarketPlace article with Mitchell Hartman

“Inflation is already contained so these monthly numbers are more noise than substantive,” said Jay Hatfield, chief executive officer at Infrastructure Capital Management.“It is really a reflection of the fact that there is a bleed through of energy prices to core and our models show the energy prices are likely to stay range bound, so we do think that inflation’s contained.”
Sept 13, 2023 ~ MalayMail Money article

"Fears of a global recession have attenuated, and that’s why oil has bounced back." ~ Jay Hatfield
Aug 10, 2023 ~ MarketPlace segment by Mitchel Hartman titled

“It’s not optional to have good credit ratings, because they need faith,” said Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisors, of regional banks. “Any sort of reduction of faith in the regional banking system is really terrible for market sentiment.”
Aug 8, 2023 ~ CNBC Stock Market Today Live Update titled:

"There is no clear reason for what is known as the “September effect.” But it is typically a month without the type of news that can push stocks higher, such as major corporate earnings", said Jay Hatfield, chief executive officer of Infrastructure Capital Advisors. “The basic theory is that good news almost always comes from the companies, and the bad news comes from random events.” Hatfield said. He pointed to Fitch’s recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating as an example.
Aug 4, 2023 - Wall Street Journal article by Charles Grant titled

"The main thing is the strengthened oil. We're above $80 a barrel ..., back all the way from the decline that was precipitated by the banking crisis. And that's really the big leader today by far," said Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisors in New York.
July 31, 2023 ~ Reuters article by Echo Wang titled

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